Saturday, June 28, 2008

TT's Pictures

Here are two pages I made from some pix my sister (known as TT to my boys) took while her family was at the zoo. These pix are of Anna Katherine my neice. I finally got some pages done a few weekends ago at an awesome crop my friend Roxanne hosts at my church. THANKS Crop a doodle girls!


Here is a great RAK (random act of kindness for those of us that don't know the lingo) from my awesome upline Cyndi Bundy. I host her "stamp camp" a lot at my house since she moved to Winston Salem - so she sent me a thank you. Check out her blog at

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Happy 'versary to me!

13 blissful years today. I got to spend this delightful evening at a church softball game. But I can post what we did last year. WE WENT TO VEGAS, with our friends Allen and Heather Martin who also share this day as their anniversary (8 years for them).

I was also gently reminded I graduated from high school 20 years ago today. Dear Lord - am I that old?